Getting Real

What's up, world?

Guess what just landed on my doorstep, looking all shiny and ready for action? My brand-spanking-new VALR Studios business cards. They're here, they're real, and they're... well, let's just say they make me look a tad more official than I sometimes feel.


So, here's the scoop: I'm rolling out the red carpet for some free photoshoots – but only for the quick-fingered folks who react when I post about it. It's like a game show, but instead of parting with a new car, you could snag a photoshoot where I promise not to cut your head off in the final product.

On the gear front, you might already know I've thrown some hard-earned cash at a new camera, but I haven’t talked much about them. I picked up a Sony A7iv and a few lenses that I’ve been testing boundaries with. The Tamron 24-70 F/2.8 has been my trusty sidekick, a real gem that's forgiving of my fumbles. The Rokinon 14mm F/2.8, though, is still sitting in the corner like the last kid picked for dodgeball. We'll get there, buddy, we'll get there. Looking at a camping trip that will be only you, I, and the skies above.

Taking a Leap:

And let me tell you about the imposter syndrome – it's like a bad cold, lingering and annoying. I see the work of top-tier photographers and suddenly my shots look like they were taken by a potato. A well-intentioned potato, but a spud, nonetheless.

It's a weird tightrope I'm walking – on one side, there's the carefree joy of a hobbyist, snapping pics of everything from burnt toast to unsuspecting pets. On the other, there's the pro photographer vibe I'm trying to exude, where every shot isn't just a picture, it's a "piece."

I've been at this long enough to have an impressive collection of 'what was I thinking?' designs and 'oh no, the flash didn't go off' photographs. But hey, each cringe-worthy moment is a badge of honor – proof that I've been in the trenches of creative experimentation.

All this to say, keep an eye out for my upcoming post about the free shoot giveaway. It's less of a leap off a cliff and more of a trip over a small, but surprisingly intimidating, rock. I'm not just dipping my toes; I'm awkwardly stumbling into the waters of professional photography.

So, if you're up for being part of this beautifully messy journey of mine, hit me up. We might end up with photos that'll make us both cry – hopefully, in a good way.

Catch you on the flip side,



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