From Vision to Reality

Hey there, friends and fellow dream-chasers,

It's me again, taking you along on this wild ride as I bring my dream into sharper focus. I'm feeling the pieces click into place and full of potential.

I've taken the plunge, digging deep into the piggy bank to upgrade to a camera that's got more buttons and dials than I'm used to. And yeah, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't battling a bout of imposter syndrome with every snap of the shutter. But hey, growth is about stretching into the shoes you've never filled before, right? For me, it’s the idea of calling myself a professional having been a hobbyist for years.

Here's where it gets real—I'm rolling up my sleeves for some test shoots to beef up my gallery. It's looking a little too 'before' and not enough 'after' for my liking. I want to show not just what I've done, but what I can do. So, this is an all-call for anyone in the Colorado Springs area: Early February 2024, I'm offering free photoshoots. Let's collaborate and create something that'll turn heads and widen eyes.

Now, let's talk about the sneak peeks below—these are the business cards I've designed. Each one is a piece of the puzzle that is my brand, a little window into the world I'm building.

Picking up these cards, they feel like more than just paper and ink. They're like tangible bits of my ambition, ready to be handed out and shared. They're promises, invitations, and glimpses into what's brewing behind the scenes at Valr Studios.

And to leave you with a taste of the magic I'm talking about, I'm dropping a parting shot—a photo of the Orion Constellation. Just me, my new camera, and the night sky, getting to know each other. I edited this celestial masterpiece last night, and it's a promise in pixels of what's to come.

Orion Constellation - Rokinson 14mm, f2.8, 500 ISO, 15 Secs

If this stirs something in you—if you're in Colorado Springs and craving a photoshoot, or if you're anywhere and just want to talk shop—reach out. Let's make art, let's make memories, and let's make something epic.

Until next time, keep chasing those stars.

Peace out, Manny


Your dedicated Colorado Wedding Photographer based in Colorado Springs—capturing beautiful moments across Colorado, South Florida, and beyond.


Getting Real


Chasing the Spark: My Creative Odyssey